Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Color Me Katie

I said it before, there are a number of really cool blogs that I love following. Sometimes I follow a blog because a person is going through something big in their life and I want to be there for that person and show my support in this way, other blogs are about a simple type of life, the kind of life that I am hoping to achieve one day. Something a bit more rural. One of the newer blogs I found is all about being Amish and it is blogs like these that I love following because I get to learn something, something I didn't know much about. And today I discovered the most amazing, bright, happy and colourful blog.

Color Me Katie, seems to be a blog all about fun, happiness, life. I can't seem to stop reading. Well it isn't reading so much because it is very much a photographic journey (which I love). I wish I could meet Katie, she seems to be such a fun type of person and wonderfully creative. Makes me wish I knew photography a little bit better...

But don't just take my word for it, go check it out :-)


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Oh how awesome is she! Thanks for that, I've added her to my blog list! :D

balance said...

Isn't she a one from imaginary world? Thanks for introducing us to her blog. She is actually very inspiring.
and same goes for you!