Thursday, April 12, 2012

Public holidays are all good and well...

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments on my last post.  They are very much appreciated!

With Monday that was a public holiday, my whole week seems to be turned upside down.  Honestly, I don't even really know what day I am on. 

Yesterday I only realised about 11am that it was Wednesday.  Now I knew Paul was going to come to record some of his songs for YouTube and I was prepared for that and looking forward to that as it is always fun to see him perform his songs (and yesterday's songs were some of my favourites), but I remained completely unaware that it was in fact Wednesday until suddenly at about 11am I asked Bianca "what day is today?"  And she said "it's Wednesday mum".  We were in the car at the time so of course I wasn't able to rely on the laptop or my cell phone to tell me which day it was and then I suddenly realised that "oops I totally forgot about my early morning date with my torture master physio".  Shame, I totally stood the poor man up although I didn't mean to.  Okay poor is perhaps the wrong word since I'm sure that I have been personally funding his next holiday or something with all the sessions I've been going to (stupid legs!)

Of course then about an hour ago it suddenly hit me that today is in fact Thursday and that in just 2 days Rose and I will be doing a 5km run that we both signed up for a week or so ago.  I haven't even started thinking when we are supposed to pick up our race numbers or the logistics and so on and feel nowhere near ready.  No idea how I am going to do since 2 of my toes are still pretty sore after the "lovely, scenic walk" Rose and I recently did (but as I'm often being told "no pain no gain..."). All in good fun though.  At least it is just 5km this time and not our very brave attempt to do a 21km distance (which turned out more like a 23km distance). 

I really do like public holidays, but boy do they confuse things in my world.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Welcome to my world! I never know what day it is lol! :D

cat said...

I am totally confused this week too

blackhuff said...

You're not the only one ... they confuse me too.

john bain said...

I keep thinking it's Tuesday. :-)

Paul said...

It was fun doing the recordings! All the best for the 5 km race!

Julia said...

haha. I know EXACTLY what you mean with the public holidays confusing you. But, like you I LOVE them.