Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yesterday I was a most unpopular person.

In the morning I had this brilliant idea to ask Bianca to drop Caitlyn off at her class.  As it was I struggled to get shoes on let alone walk properly.  After Sunday's walk I ended up with 2 rather big blisters on the one foot, 2 purple toes on the other foot and rather sore legs (walking is a dangerous sport I tell you...).  And so I was rather thankful that Bianca was able to help me out.

When it was time to get the kids I hobbled / waddled / limped rather uncomfortably to Caitlyn's class and I waited for the bell to go.  When it went, she came out, looked at me and promptly started crying.

"What's wrong???"

"I wanted Bianca to pick me up..."

Sigh!  My 5 year old doesn't need me anymore...

So today I had strict instructions not to wait for Caitlyn and that Bianca would pick her up.  And so when it was time to pick the kids up I dutifully waited at the playground for the kids to come.

Oh the joys of having kids who grow up too fast...


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Aye we do come redundant for a while! Don't worry when they leave home they'll want you...your money...your food....your.....

blackhuff said...

I rather like it when my kids grow up - makes them more responsible faster = less worries for us.

Ellie said...

Oh your poor feet and legs - sounds painful!!!
I would take every chance offered to have a rest.
It's lovely your two girls get on so well.
Hope your legs feel better today :)

Paul said...

I get the same reaction sometimes from one of our girls when I show too much interest in her sport. I empathise with you!

Anonymous said...

Hearing that would have been like a stab to my heart ;) But in a way it's also cool to know that she loves Bianca so much as her big sister.


cat said...

Oh you rfeet sounds super painful!

Gosh and yes, scary how they grow up.

john bain said...

She loves you really.

Lien - all new adventures said...

Oh boo hoo. I dread the day when my son will no longer want to be my little baby, and I will stand there and bawl my eyes out.

But all your stories about both your girls tells me that the time has not come just yet - they still need their Mummy! :-)

Lea said...

Hello Lea
Oh they do grow up and away so fast!
Hope your feet and legs are much better soon.
Lea in Mississippi