Monday, April 4, 2011

How do you know your 7 year old is growing up...

When she asks to cross the road to school by herself.  Well actually she's asking to walk to school by herself, so we've reached a compromise - I stop a little bit of a distance from school, let Bianca get out of the car, grab her bag and I watch her as she crosses the one road.  So far so good :-). 

When she mentions that she wants less presents for her birthday and instead wants some birthday money.

When she finally says: "I'm old enough now, I can go to sleep without sleepy time song".  This one is a tiny bit sad really - I made up this song way back when Bianca was just a few days old and she's liked it ever since.  Every night both girls would ask us to sing this to them and now it seems... Bianca is growing up. 


BridgetPirie said...

Ouch! It's scary when they grow up. I'm always worried that Griffin won't want hugs anymore. But so far, so good.
It sounds like Bianca is getting very independent. And I just saw the photo of Caitlyn below. Can't believe how big she is getting.
Love to you all...

amanda said...

Liewe Lea, onthou jy toe jy so 5 jaar oud was en die "tannie" by die dagsorg jou melktand getrek het? Jy het die volgende oggend daarop aangedring dat ek by die kafee stilhou sodat jy n sjokolade vir haar kon koop met die geld wat tandmuis vir jou gegee het.Ek moes in die kar bly sit want jy wou ALLEEN ingaan. Ek was so benoud dat jy iets sou kies wat meer kos as jou geldjie en dat jy verlee sou voel. Ek was ook trots op jou omdat jy vir die tannie n geskenk wou gee sonder dat iemand dit voorgestel het. Ek was so trots op jou selfvertroue. En tog was ek hartseer omdat jy my nie meer "nodig" gehad het nie. My dogtertjie was besig om "groot" te word!

ek verstaan.....
baie liefde, ma xxx