Saturday, August 6, 2011

And action...

Yesterday I discovered a new blog.  A very inspirational blog.  A mum of two who lost a huge amount of weight simply by finding a healthier way to eat and getting active.  Sure it's taken a little while, but then weight loss simply can't be an overnight thing and it has to be a lifestyle change.  It is amazing to find a real person who achieved such a wonderful success. 

I need to lose weight.  One of the things she said in one of her blog entries really made sense.  You don't see yourself the way others see you.  I know in my mind that I'm overweight and that I have lots of weight I need to lose, but looking in the mirror I don't look that overweight to myself, but if I saw myself through another person's eyes I think I will have a very different perception of myself. 

Remember also when I recently said I don't do forums?  Well I am now a member of a new forum.  A forum where I will hopefully get lots of ideas, tips, motivation and support as I embark on my weight loss journey.  It is too easy to give up when it is just you, but if you have others following your progress then it would not be so easy just to give up.  What I don't like about so many of the other forums is the fighting, the bitterness, the arguing where with this particular forum from what I can see and the entries I have looked at so far, it seems to be a nice supportive community and so I will make this community part of my journey.

So who is with me?


Cenandra said...

I am so happy that you joined our little community on group! I know exactly what you mean when you don't see yourself as being overweight. I never did, but I knew I was fat. Its a horrible mind game. Now that I am thin, I still see myself as fat. It is getting better though I am starting to see myself for who I am.

blackhuff said...

I feel honored that you see me as an inspiration.
It's exciting to have you in our community.
That post you refer to, is so true. We don't see ourselves the way we actually are.

Marcelle said...

Marleen is a great inspiration, glad u found her, as via her you found our group.
Great to have you on board?