Thursday, June 21, 2012

I've been a bit slack lately...

I've been told off for being slack with blogging.  So here I am.  Sorry for being so slack.  I guess some of what happens in my life is not all that exciting and I'm sure you wouldn't want to read about me needing to do the dishes or doing the laundry or anything like that.

I went out for a run today and boy did I nearly die.  It's been a while since I've been trying to run any particular distance and I have mostly focused on bike rides whenever I'm able and of course swimming once a week.  Bike riding is also hard, but running is harder.  But as I'm often told no pain no gain.  Finding a time with what I need to do at home and the kids' activities is sometimes challenging and I really do miss the summer time when it gets dark later at night.  That's usually the best for me with running, go out after Terence is back from work.  Not only that he can take care of the kids then, but less people around to watch me being all out of breath struggling along.  But anyway, making the effort is what counts.

Today I found My Sister's Keeper on DVD.  Warehouse had it on sale and it is a movie I've seen once before just after it came out here.  It was at the local cinema and I was determined not to cry during the movie.  I hate crying in front of others.  Sometimes I can't help it, but I do hate it.  I wanted to see what it was about and how much of it I could relate to.  So when I found the movie today I decided to get it, came home and watched a little bit of it.  I wasn't really in the right frame of mind for this movie so decided to put it away for now until another time.  Have you seen the movie?  Did you like it?  I did and thought it was a good movie, a few things here and there that I thought wasn't as realistic, but overall a good movie.

In just a bit more than a week it will be the end of the second school term for the girls.  This term really went so fast.  I'm still looking around to see what activities the kids might like to do during the holidays and at this stage they only have cheerleading from 9:30 to about 12:30 every day of the second week.  Rose has her kids booked in too so between Rose and me we will take turns with drop off and pick ups.  I did initially think that maybe Bianca has her hospital visit in there somewhere that week, but it is on the 18th so the first week of the new school term. 

With the school term coming to an end I think we'll probably have only 2 swim lessons left (as I don't think we'll have lessons in the holidays).  Tomorrow and next week Friday and it sounds as if Val plans to make us work hard.  Best I work hard because the end of the coming school term (term 3) Paul and I have our swim race scheduled and he is fierce competition.  Rose suggested that maybe we should do all or part of it in back stroke, but Paul wasn't very interested since that wasn't what we initially agreed on :-).  As it is right now am going to have my work cut out for me because he just keeps going and going and going whereas I don't have quite the same level of endurance (or rather no endurance at all right now...).

How has your week been so far?  Anything exciting happened?


Paul said...

Well done getting out for a run. The gain is definitely coming any day now. Looking forward to the swim off!

blackhuff said...

Well done on the run and yes, sometimes life is too boring to blog about :)

Julia said...

My Sisters Keeper was the first ever Jody Picoult that I read and I LOVED LOVED LOVED it. I saw the movie about a year ago and I have got to say that I was very disappointed. Quite a bit of the book is left out and the ending is completely different. My week so far has been a bit all over the place. On Monday things just went pear-shaped after I got stuck with a punctured tyre and my entire day ran late as a result. Tuesday I went to work. Tuesday night I got sick and I have been home ever since. I am also feeling a bit stuck with blogging. I did see a meme on a blog that I may post later.
Good luck with your swimming. You are a BRAVE LADY...

john bain said...

Being a big old softy, I like a good cry at sad things, and nowadays I don't care if anyone sees me.
I have a suspicion that Paul can't do backstroke. You should insist on it being included.