Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just a bit of a Wednesday update

A while back Paul shared on his blog that one of his favourite movies to watch is One flew over the cuckoo's nest.  It is not a movie I've seen before and so recently I noticed that this was one of the movies Terence got from somewhere and I thought that I should watch it to see what all the fuss was about and have to say it is a really good movie.  The actors, the story line - all of it is really good and I've now watched the movie twice. 

Today I had to take Prince Charming to the vet.  He hurt one of his front paws and hasn't been putting any weight on it.  Oh the joys of having pets I tell you!  No idea what he got up to.  But about $200 later the vet confirmed that it was a soft tissue injury (thankfully no broken bones) and hopefully with some antibiotics on board now in a day or so he'll start feeling better.

Bianca is currently counting down the days to her birthday party on Sunday.  It is hard to believe we have an almost 9 year old in the house.  Of course Caitlyn is already planning her birthday party next year February and has already decided which complicated cake she'd like me to make (I better start hiding that "easy cakes" book because none of it is easy...).

It is really cold at the moment and I can tell you one thing it is really making going out for bike rides challenging.  Absolutely freezing!  Can't slack off though as I have a lot of work still to do before I will be ready for the big goal the end of the year.  Speaking of that - if you haven't yet and you are able please will you sponsor Rose, Denise and me (click here)?  We are trying to raise some money for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.  Every little bit will make a big difference!

How was your day?  What did you get up to?


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Blardy freezin' here too! I think winter arrived! Only 38 more sleeps until Rarotonga! Had my second weigh in at Jenny Craig. lost another 900kgs this week, total 2.2kgs in 2 weeks, please with that and then it was Suesday, and we went op shopping, didn't find too much though! Probably just as well! Keep yer bits warm luv!

Paul said...

Keep up the good work on the bike. You are going great!

blackhuff said...

You are doing so good. Well done.

cat said...

Oh they just lov etheir parties and everything to do with it. Good luck with the preparations and hope the prince is much better soon