Sunday, November 20, 2011

What an amazing day and what a very special surprise!!!!!!

Remember when I did this post?  Where I wrote a poem about the journey we've had with Bianca?  Remember that one? 

Today at the Funrazor Paul gave me the best and most special surprise ever.  He actually went and put music to my poem.  He performed it at the start of our event!  I absolutely love how it came out!  It is definitely one of my favourites.  Click here to listen to our song (my words, Paul's music and vocals).

Wow!  I was completely and totally blown away. Thank you Paul, it was an incredibly special thing you did!!!

I must admit that last night I felt really stressed.  As I sat there finishing the last few things I kept thinking "what was I thinking?  What do I know about putting together events like these..."

And this morning I kept hoping that there was nothing major I forgot about, but as it turned out, I didn't have to worry.  I had an amazing team on my side who all jumped in and helped.

I remember that recently I was so worried nobody would be there to watch it all happening and I didn't have to worry....

 Bianca did a speech and I was really impressed with the way she delivered it.

And then it was time for the big shave:

Don't you just love Catherine's expression?  Catherine is a fellow child cancer parent and we used to catch up in the corridors when both our kids were stuck in hospital.

One of the things I did was really effective.  I had 2 display boards and I put 4 kids' photos and stories on these boards.  And many people looked at the photos and read the stories.  For me it was important to show people what child cancer is all about.  Make it more real. 

Organising the Funrazor event was everything I thought and hoped it would be.  It was incredibly full on.  One of the biggest things I've ever done.  It didn't start off big, but it kept growing and growing.  It was also one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.  Knowing that I was able to do something and give a little bit back to say thank you to the Child Cancer Foundation for everything they have done for us.  When I started this I really wanted this to be a community event.  Not just my event.  And it was.  Way more than I ever imagined.  People who joined me today shaving their hair, people who sprayed their hair, people who turned up to watch and support, people who donated to CCF.  All the companies and people who helped me make today a success.  I am absolutely blown away by it all.  How will I ever be able to say thank you?

And now some more photos:




Paul said...

A great account of the day. It was a huge success. I feel proud to have been a part of it and really enjoyed singing our song 'This little girl of mine' written for Bianca.

LatteJunkie said...

Well done! I love the photos and the song is gorgeous!


Hayley said...

WELL DONE!!! So awesome!!!!!

Julia said...

So, so proud of you Lea. THIS is raising awareness. Not some silly FB update. So happy that it turned out to be a resounding success.
Well done to you and Bianca and Paul and EVERYONE else who made it happen.

BridgetPirie said...

Wow, well done Lea!!! It sounds and looks like it was a huge success. You should feel so incredibly proud of yourself. And that is so cool about your poem being turned into that wonderful song.
Well done to Bianca as well, for giving a speech. That is awesome. :)

amanda said...

I'm speechless, proud and very emotional!

Well done Lea and Bianca.

Paul the song is very special.

God bless.

Amanda xxx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Well done Lea and to everyone else that was involved. As for the song, well lets just say I had to go get a tissue! ;-D I've put a link to here on my blog today, hopefully you'll get a few more hits today and hopefully some more people will be putting their hands in their pockets. I will be. ♥

Jess said...

awesome. Looks like it was a big success.I'll cut my holiday beer budget to put a few more dollars in the kitty :-)

Marcia (123 blog) said...

I am so very very proud of you - this took a lot of work, a lot of stepping out of your comfort zone and it all PAID OFF!


cat said...

Well done to you, Bianca and Paul and all else involved.

Anonymous said...

Your song brought a lump to my throat...

What an amazing thing you've done Lea - well done! The event looked absolutley awesome and I'm sure you raised SO much awareness and money for an extremely worthy cause...

SO proud of you!
