Thursday, November 17, 2011

For the first time

Bianca has gone to school all by herself.  On her scooter. 

She's been asking for a while now and I know some of her friends have been doing this for a while now.  And so today I let her go all by herself.  Oh the stress! 

It is not far for her to go (maybe about 2km, won't be more than that) and she would have to cross 1 really quiet road and 1 busier road closer to school (but she's crossed the busier road by herself before).

Made me realise how very fast she is growing up - and I don't want her to grow up so fast...


Paul Forster said...

Enjoy these years as they are really special.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, she seems to be an independent girl and gud for her!
I was pleased to see just a glimpse of her (and your husband) at the Santa parade last weekend. She was busy giving high 5's to the spectators:) Wish her the best!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I remember those days when my girls started to assert their independence, stressful for me, good for them. B