Friday, December 16, 2011

Last school day of 2011

And so we get to the very last day of the school year.  In one way I'm happy because I find this time of the year things just become so busy and with the last day of school it means things will start slowing down (I hope) and I can catch my breath and reflect a bit on what's happened this year. But wait, I am not ready to do a whole reflection post (come back another time for that one).

But while I'm happy the last day of school arrived for the above reason, am also rather sad to be honest.  Bianca had a fantastic school year this year in Year 3.  And I know it is all thanks to the amazing teacher she had. I wasn't quite ready for her to be done with this school year!

Bianca absolutely loved Paul Forster's teaching style.  He had a way to bring out the best in Bianca.  And to be honest, I've never seen a teacher showing as much passion as he did for his teaching and for the kids that he was responsible for.  One of Bianca's favourite things of all time was glossary.  Suddenly this year she started thinking of different words to use and she would even insist we use them too.  And she's especially proud that she's learned to spell words like "inexplicabilities" and "circumstantialities" (and yes, Bianca is 8!!!). 

Something that I will never forget was when Paul told me at the start of the year he is committed to ensure each child will have fun in his class and be sufficiently challenged.  And I thought to myself that I've never actually met another teacher who said this.  I was really really impressed!  Here was a teacher who wanted to make sure every single child in his class had opportunities to grow and to learn.

And every afternoon as I sat there waiting for Bianca I could just see how much the kids loved Paul.  How excited they would get when he would bring out his guitar and they would sing together.

We were incredibly blessed that Bianca had a chance to be in Paul's class!  I have my fingers very tightly crossed that in 2014 Caitlyn too will have the chance to be in Paul's class!!!

Paul, thank you so very much for everything you did for Bianca.  You were (and are) an amazing teacher!  Bianca always tells me that you are the very best.  She wanted to give you something really special.  Something well deserved!  I hope you liked it :-)

And finally am able to share this poem from me to you:

For a year you were the world
To the children in your care
With the excitement that you showed
And the passion that you shared

You taught them the wonders of glossary
And showed them math was fun
You encouraged them to sing and dance
When the day was done

You found a special way to teach
You always did believe
That each child had just what it takes
That they all should achieve

They might not be good at everything
But all children deserved the chance
To keep moving forward
Without a single backward glance

You gave the children your everything
You should feel incredibly proud
I often heard how much it meant
As they shared it out aloud

Never again will they have
The year they had with you
From the very bottom of my heart
Thank you for everything you do!


Paul said...

Thank you, Lea for the kind words and lovely poem. I have really enjoyed teaching Bianca and it has been great to see the enthusiasm she showed for glossary

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Awesome poem Lea. And Paul you are a rare gem, there are plenty of good teachers out there but few that really inspire. What lucky and blessed children to have had that year with you.

Kevin Read said...

What a wonderful post. I wish all teachers had the same commitment to their students as Paul does to his.

Good for Bianca to spell those words, I couldn't do it!

Kevin and Ruth

Marcia (123 blog) said...

Aaaawwww, Paul sounds like an awesome person! I love reading about passionate people and he is passionate about teaching kids - it is a gift to the kids that will last for a lifetime.

just on Friday a client was telling me that her one child had an awful teacher one year and he STILL thinks he is stupid because of her even though he is top of the class! Terrible, hey?