Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It is official - I am completely nuts

Thank you so much for all the supportive and positive comments on my triathlon update (click here).  Have to be honest it all feels a bit unreal that I have actually entered and completed a triathlon.  Me doing a triathlon???  Who would have thought!

It is official now though that I am completely nuts.  Crazy.  Insane.  I'm sure there must be something wrong with me. 

But here I am and I find myself reading up on other events that will be happening.  Yes, that's right - I'm actually looking at what other triathlons / duathlons there might be.  Now who would have ever thought I'd actually be actively interested in these?

But I blame Paul and Rose for this.  It is all their fault! :-)

Rose and I are definitely looking at doing the Palmerston North event (for info click here).  It is another triathlon.  I'm particularly keen because it will be a pool swim rather than a sea swim and I am more confident in the pool.  By no means am I a fast or very good swimmer, but at least I've had more practise in a pool.

I'll need to limit my running somewhat for now though in the hope that my legs will start recovering from the injuries I've been dealing with for a while now, so I'll mostly focus on swimming and biking for now I think.

Today Caitlyn is so excited.  She has her very last day at daycare today and helped me decorate a cake to take along to share with her friends.  Last night I made a little story book for her with photos of her school visits which she'll be sharing for news today and tomorrow with her new teacher. Today is the last day I will have a 4 year old...  

Just a heads up - tomorrow's post will have lots of photos - so I hope you like photos!

How was your day today?


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Wot it's taken you this time to realise! Heck we all knew waaaay back! :D

blackhuff said...

I'm really glad to see that you're looking at some more events to compete in - I too am like this now since I did a race last year. Doing races left, right and center. It's fun, that's why you're looking at some more to enter. Well done.

Paul Forster said...

Glad you've caught the bug! Exercise and exercising to compete are admirable pursuits and your new found obsession has changed your life. I feel no sense of guilt. It's pay back for getting me obsessed with blogging!

Lien - all new adventures said...

You go, Girl!

Marcia (123 blog) said...

LOL at Paul's comment!

Yes, you are crazy, but the good kind :) And I love lots of photos - can't wait to see the birthday pics.

Mind you, by now it's already Caitlin's birthday. Happy birthday!!!