Monday, February 20, 2012

A sad day

I had a whole update planned on what I will need to do this week.  But in an instant my update just seemed so unimportant.  So small.  So insignificant. 

Yesterday a little girl turned 5.  Just like Caitlyn will on Wednesday.   But unlike Caitlyn, little Hope will never start big school for the very first time.  Hope spent most of her birthday quietly sleeping and this morning early passed away.  Hope had neuroblastoma.  A type of cancer.  Child cancer sucks!!!!!

Rest in peace beautiful brave little girl!  My heart is broken and I'm so incredibly sad.

Ali, Bec and Jonas - I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you must be feeling.  Know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers.  Hope will always be an inspiration!


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear this,Lea. My deepest sympathy to her parents. It would be so heartbreaking for the family. Bummer! Hugs Maa

Ellie said...

I'm so sorry Lea, so very sad. Her family are in my thoughts.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Too sad,life is too cruel sometimes. RIP little Hope ♥

LatteJunkie said...

My thoughts are with her family and yours at this terribly sad time.

Maria said...

So sad Lea. My condolences to Hope's family.

Paul said...

My worries pale in to insignificance. As you rightly say cancer sucks! Our thoughts go out to Hope's parents.

blackhuff said...

That really is so sad :(

RosemaryO said...

So very sorry another child has to die because of this insidious disease. Why is there no cure for pediatric cancer? These children are our future. Sorry for your friends' loss.

cat said...

So sorry to hear - bloody Neuroblastoma, just like little Tuesday.